Friday 11 September 2015

New Blog New Vibe

This is basically a blog about what I buy, wear, and eat in real life. I'll admit I get smitten by the outfits fashion bloggers post, but am I the only one who thinks who wears that in real life?  I don't dress like that on a daily basis (although I would die to have their wardrobe) and I definitely don't see people strolling streets of Montreal dressed like that. Maybe if I was in NY? Scrolling through their instagram feed gives you the impression that they're living the good life (they probably are and they've earned it) but for most of us, that's just not reality. So I decided to start a blog about basically  things I have bought, worn, done and things I adore.

If you followed my (really it was supposed to be "our") previous blog 2sistersadecadeapart, you would have noticed that we have been MIA from the blog scene lately.  There are multiple reasons why Lily and I have stopped blogging on 2 sisters a decade apart. We started the blog as kinda of a sister bonding activity, but it turned out it was mostly just me posting (as you can tell from the majority of posts). Lily was great at helping me take pictures for my OOTD post, but when it came to her OOTD post, she was just not in the mood 80% of the time. Get her to actually write a post was like pulling teeth.  Suffice to say, she was not a blogger at heart.

Along the way, I kinda of lost motivation, it was no long a sister-sister blog, instead posting our views, style, and experiences as sisters, it really became just my views and experiences. Defeats the purpose of being a sister-sister blog. Factor in the fact that she also away for school 80% of the year it's kinda of hard to coordinate projects. So I  have decided to end 2 sisters a decade apart and start a new blog.  Instead of just diving head first into this blog like my last one, I have decided to careful research how to start a blog properly (boy is it a lot harder than I ever expected).  I've decide to start learning how to take better pictures. I've always been a point and shoot kinda of gal. So please bare with me.

Welcome to Vivre-N-Adore
Don't forget to Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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